An insurance company rating is an indicator as to the financial strength of an insurance company. In other words, an insurance rating is a rating company’s informed opinion of how likely it is a given company can pay its customers’ claims. Our dealers and customers want to know that their service contract program will be there for them when they need it. In fact, of all the things we do for your customers, the most important is to ensure that their claims are paid promptly and reliably.
View Our Coverages
Ancillary Coverage
We focus on providing our partners with the most inclusive and competitive coverage in the market.
Vehicle Service Contracts
Our dealers and customers want to know that their service contract program will be there for them when they need it.
Get In Touch
1 (214) 389-8600
Claims Support Hours
6am – 12am CST
7 Days a Week
Customer Service Hours
7am – 7pm CST
Mon – Fri
8am - 2pm CST