What is the claims procedure?
After you contact us initially, we will need your repair facility to contact us in order to get the exact details of the repair. When the repair facility contacts us with the details, our Claims Department will analyze the claim and respond with a claims decision sent directly to the repair facility. Since each claim is unique, the processing time varies but generally claims can be handled within a couple of hours. All updates regarding your claim should typically come from the repair facility directly.
How are claims paid?
On approved claims, each repair facility has the option to request payment via credit card or a check to be mailed out. Most credit card payments are made to the repair facility directly within 2 hours of our office receiving the final invoice on the claim. It’s quick and easy, to get you back on the road faster!
Get In Touch
1 (214) 389-8600
Claims Support Hours
6am – 12am CST
7 Days a Week
Customer Service Hours
7am – 7pm CST
Mon – Fri
8am - 2pm CST